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Welcome to the Knowledge centre of Van der Helm logistics. The place where all your questions about logistics and transportation are answered.

In addition to general articles about transport, warehousing or customs, you will find here the answers to questions focusing, for example, on different forms of transport, permits required for transporting goods, the extra costs for transport over certain roads and what all the ADR labels mean.


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Transparency of data

According to Article 14 of the CBAM Regulation, data in the CBAM register must be kept confidential, except for names, addresses and contact information of operators and the location of installations in third countries.

EORI number

An identification number assigned by customs authorities to economic operators for customs purposes, used for CBAM reporting.

Embedded emissions

The total amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced during the production of goods, which must be reported under CBAM.

National Competent Authority (NCA).

Authorities designated by each EU member state responsible for ensuring compliance with CBAM rules, reviewing reports and imposing sanctions.

Carbon border correction mechanism (CBAM).

A mechanism introduced by the EU to prevent carbon leakage by ensuring that the price of carbon is included in imported goods, similar to the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

Are there penalties for non-compliance with the CBAM regulation?

Yes, non-compliance with the CBAM regulation can result in fines ranging from EUR 10 to EUR 50 per ton of unreported emissions.

Which third countries fall within the scope of the CBAM?

Basically, all non-EU countries are covered by CBAM. However, certain countries with ETS systems linked to the EU ETS, such as the EEA and Switzerland, are excluded.

Does the CBAM apply to packaging?

The CBAM reporting requirement is applicable if the CN code of the packaging is indicated in the customs declaration and is covered by Annex I of the CBAM Regulation.

Does the CBAM apply to “returned goods”?

Goods that are returned and meet the conditions of Article 203 of the Customs Act are exempt from CBAM during the transition period.

How will CBAM address carbon leakage from finished or semi-finished products?

CBAM focuses mainly on basic materials and some finished goods. The mechanism will be reviewed at the end of the transition period to determine if more goods should be added.

To which goods does the CBAM regulation apply?

The CBAM regulation applies to CN (Combined Nomenclature) codes that extend the HS code and are used as commodity codes for exports outside the EU.

What sectors does the new mechanism cover and why were they chosen?

CBAM initially covers cement, iron and steel, aluminum, fertilizers, hydrogen and electricity, chosen because of their high risk of carbon leakage and high emission intensity.

How is CBAM compatible with other ETS systems outside the EU?

CBAM provides equivalent treatment to imported goods by taking into account the real value of embedded emissions and aligning the price of CBAM certificates with the EU ETS.

How does CBAM work with the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)?

CBAM and ETS work together by phasing in CBAM while reducing free allocations under ETS. CBAM certificates reflect the ETS price.

How does the CBAM work?

CBAM works by applying a price to embedded emissions in imported goods equal to the price that would be paid under the EU ETS. Starting in 2026, importers will buy CBAM certificates.

What is the current status of CBAM implementation?

The CBAM regulations were signed on May 10, 2023, and the transition period began on Oct. 1, 2023. The final period will start in January 2026.

Why is the EU introducing a Carbon Boundary Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)?

The EU is introducing CBAM to prevent carbon leakage and support climate ambitions. This mechanism ensures that the price of carbon is factored into imported goods, similar to the EU ETS.

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